Delivery Information
We offer Free Delivery in Harare and within a 10-kilometer radius of Harare.
Free Delivery applies only to products that are not on sale or promotion. We do not offer Free Delivery on Capri & Treger's products, as these items are discounted and on promotion. If you wish to arrange delivery for a product that is on promotion or sale, please visit any of our branches or stores nearest to you to arrange delivery for an additional charge.
Our Free Delivery service does not guarantee same-day delivery. We strive to deliver products as soon as possible. Please allow up to 7 days (maximum) for our delivery team to deliver your product.
Deliveries Outside of Harare:
We do not provide Free Delivery service for our stores outside of Harare. However, at any of our stores nationwide, we have partnered with third-party delivery companies to deliver your product for an additional charge. Please visit our nearest branch or store to arrange delivery at an additional cost.